Thursday, April 12, 2007

Muscle Building Tips - Add 1 Inch to Your Arms in a Week - Part II

Arm Blasting Q @ A

I wanted to answer a very important question about the 1 inch in 1 week arm routine
I wrote about (the link to part I is at the end of the article. This question is not only
very important to the arm routine but it's very important to all
of your training, if you want to be successful with your muscle
building efforts.

QUESTION: "I was wondering if your 'add one inch in a week' routine
actually works. I have tried those articles before and have found
hardly any results. I'd be happy if I gained a 1/4 of an inch. I just
want to know if I'll see results if I participate on this program.

Thanks for the question. There are some very important things in
this question that need to be addressed. First off, I can't make
any guarantee as to the results you will see. There are way too
many variables that I can't control - how hard you work, the
weights you use, your genetics, how many calories you take in,
protein intake, and on and on.

And that's true of anything you do in life whether it's lifting
weights, playing a sport, getting good grades in school, etc.
There are no guarantees.

Second, I appreciate your frustration. Most routines in the
mainstream bodybuilding magazines do not produce results for
99% of the trainees out there.

This happens for two reasons. One, the routines are just a bunch
of exercises, reps and set numbers thrown together without a plan.
Very few of these routines work for you and me, and most cause us
to overtrain.

The other very important point is that you have to understand
that specialization routines like the arm training routine are
not done in a vacuum. What do I mean by this? I mean that you
can't just do this routine and expect great results. Many other
factors come into play; some you can control, others you can't.

Let's look at two hypothetical bodybuilders. For this example,
we'll say they have the exact same genetic potential for building
muscle mass.

Trainee number one loves training arms. He's not a big fan of
heavy back or leg work though. So he goes all out on the arm
training routine but he gives a half-hearted effort on the back
work and skips leg training altogether. He also enjoys staying
up late watching TV so he only gets 5 hours of sleep each night.
He barely manages three meals a day, and they aren't the most
nutritious meals, either.

Trainee number two follows the routine exactly and goes all out,
even on squats. He doesn't like squats, they are brutally hard
but he loves the results he gets from them so he gives them
everything he's got. He makes sure to get 9 hours of sleep a
night. He adds weight to all his exercises every chance he
gets. He eats six times per day, with nutritious high-protein

Which trainee do you think will see better results from this
routine? Obviously, trainee number two will get more out of
the routine.

When applying any routine you put together, you must realize
that there are many other important factors above and beyond
the exercises, sets and reps you choose. And the more factors
you apply properly, the better your results are going to be.
Sure, you can't control genetics but you can control most of
the other factors.

Important muscle building factors include:

Your Weight Training Program (exercises, sets, reps, intensity)

Nutrition (# of meals, quality of meals, calories, protein, etc.)

Sleep (get enough of it!)

The more you do right in your overall muscle building plan, the
better your results are going to be. And you will get results.
How good your results will be, no one will ever know until you
put the plan into action and give it everything you've got.

My results for the arm blasting program were 3/4 of an inch
on each arm. I measured on a Sunday night, did the routine
Monday, Wednesday and Friday and then measured again on Sunday

Have you already put the routine into action? What were your
results like? I'd love to hear your results once you've tried
this routine. Send me an email at muscle buliding q&a

Muscle Building Arm Article Part I

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Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Building that Muscle - Abs

A great six pack is the most sought after thing in the bodybuilding world, at least if the sheer amount of questions asked about 'how to get a six pack' are to be counted. Unfortunately most of these questions are also suffixed with the words 'fast' or 'quick', when the reality is that there is no quick fix solution for developing a visible six pack. It takes dedication and work, and if you're not careful you will lose motivation. For those who are willing to work and put the effort required into developing their abs, read on.

Do not believe claims of 'miracle' diets or 'secrets' behind getting a six pack in a week, or some such outrageous claims! Remember, if it sounds to good to be true, it probably is.

The truth is that most people have already have abdominal muscles, or at least they should have if everything is functioning probably. However, in most cases the layer of fat around you stomach will cover them and conceal whatever six pack you have. The key is to lose the weight!

A two track attack will work best, combining aerobic exercise with weight training. Muscles will help as they help raise your metabolic rate. The more muscles you have, the better your ability at burning that fat.

Combine this with aerobic exercise, running, an exercise bike, or even dancing. An idea is to chose 3 days on which to do weight training and 3 days on which to do aerobic, and alternate between the two, giving yourself one 'rest day' each week'.

To enhance the look of your six pack, throw some stomach crunches, and other ab exercises into the mix.

Stick to the plan, stay motivated and eat healthy, and you WILL get the six pack you want!

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Thursday, April 05, 2007

Does The Ideal Foot Orthotic Exist?

The ideal foot orthotic: "Is there such a thing?" Perhaps not. Can one orthoses meet the needs of all people? Of course not. Is there an orthoses so ideal that can prevent foot problems? Possibly so, but this needs clarification.The purpose of a foot orthoses is to limit the total range of motion available to the foot as it coils to the ground (called "pronation"). Most prescription orthoses do this. In fact many non prescription supports do it too. However, the closer the orthoses is to the individuals own functional prescription, the more comfortable it will be to get used to, to wear, and above all else produce results.

Foot orthoses unfortunately do not work like eye glasses. You do not get an instant resolution. Some people do respond amazingly quickly, although this is the minority. Some people are more complex for whatever reason and they may take anywheres up to six months to begin to respond favorably. The majority of people feel a 40-60% minimum average improvement in their symptoms within 8 weeks, (this is not the same as being cured). As time continues it is possible to feel like progress has stopped or that the pain is coming back. As you wear the orthoses you begin to absorb the prescription so you may start to feel the residual inflammation and tension temporarily. If your orthoses are comfortable and you are able to wear them most of the time they are working. The healing of biomechanical inflammation takes time.

It can take 1-2 years for an orthoses to generate its maximum effective range of healing. As your foot flexibility increases, the optimal position of alignment will change (due to reduction in tension and inflammation). Then regardless of your symptoms you need to get another prescription in order to keep your feet and body working to their best efficiency. If your orthoses work correctly you can expect 2-3 changes in your lifetime. Most of these changes should occur in the first to the second year. The next change should be very gradual over the next 4-6 years. After that changes may or may not occur. If they do it will take a long time.

So to clarify the last question, "Is there an orthoses so ideal as to prevent foot problems?" Depends on what problems we are looking to prevent. If we are looking to prevent injuries from inadequate training, excessive distances, increasing mileage too quickly, anatomical or functional abnormalities, accidental sprains or strains , uneven surfaces, and aging, probably not. But if there are biomechanical reasons for something to eventually happen e.g structural (like a bunion or heel spur), then it is possible to at least slow down the process and possibly prevent this from occurring enough to not let it be a problem in your lifetime.

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Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Is Your Memory Loss "Normal" Or Is There A Problem?

Experts say some memory lapses are actually normal. So before you go diagnosing yourself with Alzheimer's disease, take heart. It is said that memory loss is the second thing that occurs as you age. So what's the first? Umm, I forgot! Actually, by the time you reach the end of this story, you may remember only a fraction of it. Don't worry, you're not alone.

Mild memory loss is perfectly normal, especially as we age. It has happened to all of us at one time or another; You draw a complete blank when introducing a new acquaintance. You leave the house with food bubbling on the stove. You forget to pick up your child from after-school practice. You forget a doctor's appointment, a birthday, an anniversary. Oh - and let's not forget the all-too-often search for car keys.

If you sometimes forget simple things, you're not necessarily developing Alzheimer's disease. There are many people like yourself walking around who occasionally misplace their keys, who can't recall the name of one new person they met at their last office party, and have that "deer-in-the-headlights" look when searching for their car in the parking lot. There's a reason Disney has character-themed floors coupled with the happy-go-lucky music in their parking garages.

Memory, the ability to normally recall the facts and events of our lives, takes place in three stages:

Stage 1 – Encoding: When a person takes information in.

Stage 2 – Consolidation: When the brain takes the encoded information and processes it, storing it in certain areas of the brain.

Stage 3 – Retrieval:. When someone recalls stored information in the brain.

For a layman, differentiating between normal memory loss and Alzheimer's disease can be puzzling because the kind of memory that is affected in everyday situations is also the kind affected in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease.

Time is memory's worst enemy. Memory loss and brain aging are a natural part of getting older. In their 50s, people will often start to report that they think their memories are going. Because they have to use more reminders or more kinds of strategies for remembering things, older adults seem to be consciously aware of their memory loss.

But even before we hit our 50s, memory loss can start to occur. Shortly after receiving information, our memory begins to deteriorate. Some information fades right away, while other things fade less quickly. There are many different forgetting curves with different rates of forgetting that depend on the nature of the material, on how important the information is to you, and how high your stress levels are.

Studies show that after some time, people probably don't remember events as they actually happened. You may think you have a vivid memory of an experience, but memory distortion does occur. The longer the period of time that passes between an event and trying to recall it, the greater the chance people are going to have some memory distortions and forgetfulness. Occasionally, time distortion causes us to forget the event completely.

Short of Alzheimer's disease, other causes of memory loss can include: stress and anxiety, ADHD, depression, thyroid gland diseases, diabetes, lung, liver, or kidney failure, alcoholism, Vitamin B-12 deficiency, infections, and both prescription and over-the-counter drugs. Depression and stress are the most common reasons for temporary memory problems. The causes of memory loss from many of these conditions are normally reversible.

No matter how "normal" memory lapses may be, that doesn't make them any less frustrating. Experts agree that the best way to keep your brain fit is to keep using it. Four things that slow down brain aging include: mental activity, physical fitness, stress reduction, and a healthy diet. Those with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and other conditions increase their risk for small strokes in the brain. Also antioxidants help protect brain cells and exercise helps with overall health.

The most important things to help extend and maintain your cognitive abilities for a longer period of time include staying intellectually and socially engaged. Also by challenging yourself by learning new things, reading, and taking up hobbies keep the brain active and strong for the long haul.

Some other things you can do to improve memory include: Focusing your attention on the task at hand. Multitasking and not paying attention are two of the biggest causes of forgetfulness. Reduce stress, get plenty of sleep, organize yourself by writing things down or using date books.

When should you see a doctor? Research shows that up to half of people over age 50 have mild forgetfulness linked to age-associated memory impairment. But there are signs when more serious memory conditions, such as Alzheimer's disease, are happening. While there is no definitive way to pinpoint Alzheimer's, there are some diagnostic ways doctors distinguish normal memory loss from that which should raise concern. Normal forgetfulness can include: forgetting where you parked your car, forgetting a person's name, but can recall it later, or forgetting events from your past. More serious symptoms and possible problems of forgetfulness include: recalling recent events, how to drive a car, forgetting to have ever known a particular person, confusion, and loss of function.

Many doctors feel that if you are worried about your memory, the problem probably isn't that serious. However you should consult a doctor when your relatives or friends express concerns about your memory loss.

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Friday, March 30, 2007

Tai Chi Videos - A Low-Cost Way to Learn Tai Chi at Home

Are you interested in learning more about Tai Chi? Tai Chi is a well-known form of Chinese martial art. Tai Chi promotes physical health, and emotional help. It is also important to note that Tai Chi is used by many as self-defense. For that reason, there are a large number of individuals who are interested in learning Tai Chi. Unfortunately, many of these individuals are either unable to take a public Tai Chi training course or do not want to. If you are one of those individuals, did you know that you could still learn Tai Chi, but from the comfort of your own home?

When it comes to learning Tai Chi, as previously mentioned, there are a large number of individuals who do not have time to take an instructional class. There are also a few individuals who are afraid or nervous about taking a public Tai Chi class, with a group of strangers. Whether you are a pressed for time or if you want to avoid potentially weird moments at a training class, it is advised that you purchase yourself a Tai Chi video. Owning a Tai Chi video will not only allow you to learn Tai Chi, but it will also allow you to do so in the comfort of your own home. Being able to learn Tai Chi from your own home is just one of the many benefits to doing so.

Another benefit to learning Tai Chi with the use of a Tai Chi video is that you can also learn Tai Chi at your own pace. Although Tai Chi is relatively easy to learn, it can be easier for some than it is for others. When learning Tai Chi from a Tai Chi video, you have the ability to rewind and learn a specific move all over again, should you wish to do so. You also have the luxury of watching a certain Tai Chi video over and over again, until you are sure that you are mastering the many moves of Tai Chi. Should you feel satisfied with the results, you may also be happy to know that Tai Chi videos come in all different formats.

Depending on where you purchase your next Tai Chi video from, you should have access to a number of different tapes. A large number of retail stores sell Tai Chi videos for beginners, intermediate level participants, and advanced Tai Chi participants. Whether you are just starting to get in to Tai Chi or if you have been a fan of the well-known Chinese martial art before, you should be able to find a Tai Chi video that can accommodate to you and your level of experience.

As you can see, there are a number of different benefits to learning Tai Chi at home, with the use of a Tai Chi video. Tai Chi videos are available for sale by numerous retailers, both on and offline.


Wednesday, March 28, 2007

What Is The Best Type Of Exercise For The Body

Your body is an amazing creation. It can be chiseled into an ultimate machine. To do this you MUST have proper exercise for your body. I go to the gym three days a week and I would estimate I watch at least 50 percent of the people not doing a proper exercise routine. Probably twenty percent are completely wasting their time.

The problem is that many people do not go to the gym with a goal. Is your goal to gain or is your goal to lose weight? If your goal is weight loss then you need to be ready to give yourself a total body workout. I recommend that you rotate between weights and aerobic exercise. The reason I tell you to rotate is to correctly metabolize and leave your body with enough energy.

Here is the recommended routine.

Warm up- five minutes on the stationary bike

1st weights- Upperbody work out with weights (focus on arms,chest, and shoulders)

1st cardio - 15 minutes of cardio on elliptical (resistance at least 7-8)

2nd weights- Light legs and abs (make sure you do many different leg exercises and lower abs)

2nd cardio - 20 minutes of either treadmill or more intense elliptical (resistance at least 8-9)

If you have any energy left do some more abs and any exercise you might have left out.

This full body workout will leave your body tingling in every area.

Always make sure that you follow your workout with a good protein shake.

Make sure that you follow your diet and take a safe diet pill if needed!

As always, weight loss beings with you!!

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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Crohns Herbal Treatment Options Reviewed

As someone with severe crohn's disease symptoms, you're probably looking for new ways to help keep symptoms under control, and for something that might offer much wanted relief. Exploring Crohns herbal treatments is a good option as medications can be nasty for some people, and many find that moderating their diet is not helping.

There are some things you can do beyond changing your diet or modifying your medication though, and they may offer you some measure of relief. Trying Crohns herbal treatments is one way to see if you can achieve an improvement or if it is just another dead end in the quest to feel human again.

The problem with this kind of treatment is that some doctors will frown upon it, and they might warn you not to try it. Though this is unfair at times, there are legitimate concerns behind this. Though there are some doctors who will try to talk you out of it because they think these herbs won't work, others know that there can be serious complications when you mix herbs and medications. They may not think it is the best idea for you to stop your meds just to try a Crohns herbal treatment.

Before you try anything in the way of herbs, you should make sure you research to find out what you might want to try, and what others have had to say about this type of treatment. Though many herbs are harmless, you should realize that when mixed either with each other or with over the counter meds, they might not be so innocent.

Though many are called natural, you might think that means they are safe but this is not always the case. There are some herbs, which help with crohn's symptoms that are commonly used for other purposes, such as herbal teas and peppermint. You may have already used these for other stomach upsets, and you know if they will work or not for you.

Other suggested herbs that sufferers have found relief with using are aloe vera in juice form, and slippery elm bark. You should know what they are, where they come from, and how much you might need to take before you present this information to your doctor.

If researching and sourcing individual herbs is not for you, there are pre-mixed herbal remedies available online and at your nearest health store. These tend to be a mixture of herbs designed just for those who want to try a Crohns herbal regimen, and this might take some of the guesswork out of what you should take and what to try first. You will notice that each of these recommends you remain under your physician's care, as herbs are a supplement to treatment, not a replacement for any treatment you are currently doing.

No matter what you think about a Crohns herbal treatment, you should never take anything without first talking to your doctor, and this is even more important to remember when you are already taking prescription medications.

There are some herbs in a crohns herbal treatment plan that can react with medications in a very bad way, and that can only spell trouble for you. You might find your doctor to be resistant to adding herbs to your plan, but they would rather be involved than have you just take something with no idea what you are doing. Herbs are not regulated, but they certainly are more powerful than you might realize.

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